Here are 5 great blog articles to learn something new 🧑‍🎓

Hi 👋

Now that my SwiftUI training course has been completed, I’ve been able to bring back one of my favorite livestream format: my “live” newsletter!

The concept is simple: I make a list of 5 articles that I feel are worth reading, and then I discover them and comment them live.

If you’re curious to watch, the replay is available below!

And if you’re more of the traditional newsletter type, then you will find everything you need in the rest of this email 👌

Double Protocol Conformance

It’s not supposed to be possible for the same type to conform to the same protocol twice. The compiler will enforce this rule.

But what if the double conformance happened in such a way that the compiler couldn’t prevent it? For instance by having the conformances spread across Swift packages.

What kind of weird consequences would happen?

Using Swift Reflection

In a previous email, I showed you a trick that allowed you to gain access to the private properties of a type.

This trick relied on Swift’s runtime reflection, using the built-in Mirror type.

In this article you will discover a couple new interesting use cases where a Mirror can come in handy!

Tips and tricks for exploring a new codebase

Whether you’re a junior on your first job or a developer with years of experience, the moment you need to get up-to-speed with a new codebase is always a challenge.

Donny wrote a very interesting article to share his personal tips on how to understand a codebase and, more importantly, the context in which it has been created.

Does Swift enum retain its associated value?

This questions is pretty straightforward. So straightforward that it actually makes it feel kind of like a trick question 🫣

So why don’t you take a few seconds to come up with your own answer, and then check out the article to find out whether (or not) you got it right?

Optimizing your app for Network Reachability

“How do you check whether your user’s device is connected to the Internet before sending a network request?”

This could be a typical interview question!

But as it turns out, before we jump to “how” we can check for network reachability, maybe we should first by asking “if” we should check at all!

That’s all for this email, thanks for reading it!

If you’ve enjoyed it, feel free to forward it
to your friends and colleagues 🙌

I wish you an amazing week!



3 tips to write better Swift code


How to refactor using Associated Values